Some people like LiveJournal. Some people like Movable Type. Some people tried LiveJournal for a while, but now want to use Movable Type.

It is possible to get all of your LiveJournal entries into Movable Type. For now, the only way to do so is by following the conversion tutorial - a long and cumbersome process that requires a fair bit of technical know-how.

The purpose of this project is to make the conversion streamlined for all individuals, regardless of their knowledge or computer system. There are currently two possible products for this project:
As of now, the project is still in the idea stage, but should progress rapidly. My offer to convert files for individuals still stands. If you are interested in this, follow the tutorial's instructions for exporting your LiveJournal entries, and then zip them up before e-mailing them to Be sure you e-mail me to let me know the file has been sent.

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